ullsape lopi 500 ml

Wool soap Lopi 500 ml


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Lopi Wool Soap 500 ml

Lopi wool soap is perfect for washing garments knitted in Icelandic wool. Follow the package insert.

Why wash light lopi and alafasslopi?

Basically, it keeps on airing the garments after use as wool has several good properties, including self-cleaning. If you are going to wash lopigarn, soap and conditioner that you find here are recommended

Lopi Ullarsápa, recommended dosage:

Hand wash: 25 ml (approx. 2 capsules) in 5 liters of water
Machine wash: 75 ml (approx. 6 capsules) for 4-5 kg load

How to use Lopi Ullarsápa:

Hand wash
Dissolve Lopi wool soap in lukewarm water, approx. 30°C
Leave the garment to soak in the water for about 10 minutes, except for garments made of Plötulopi, which should not be soaked.
Wash carefully.
Rinse well or until the water is completely clear.
The water may need to be changed a few times.
Squeeze gently, do not rub or wring out.
Smooth out and lay to dry on a flat surface in the correct dimensions.

We recommend using the conditioner Lopi Wool Nutrition as it softens and gives a beautiful texture.

Machine wash
Pour Lopi ullarsápa into the detergent compartment of the washing machine, see recommended dosage.
After the program is finished, immediately remove the load from the machine and place it to dry on a flat surface in the correct measurements. Please note that not all garments made of wool and other delicate materials are machine washable.

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