Yarn package Matoaka round shedding ecru by Linka Neumann. See more yarn packages from Villmarksgzensere 3 HERE
XS (S) M (L) XL (XXL) XXXL (women/men)
10 cm solid color stockinette stitch on Pinne 5 (4.5) 5 (5) 4.5 (4.5) 5 mm:
17 (18) 17 (17) 17 (17) 18 (18) 17 stitches
10 cm pattern knit on Pinne 5.5 (5) 5.5 (5.5) 5 (5) 5.5 (5) 5.5 mm:
17 (18) 17 (17) 17 (17) 18 (18) 17 stitches
Luna, Vidde or/and Varde from Hillesvåg Ullvarefabrikk
Base color: 300 (350) 350 (350) 400 (450) 450 g
Pattern color 1: 150 (150) 150 (150) 150 (200) 200 g
Pattern color 2: 50 (50) 50 (50) 100 (100) 100 g
Pattern color 3: 50 (50) 50 (50) 100 (100) 100 g
PINS (for guidance only)
Sock pins 3.5 mm and 5 (4.5) 5 (5) 4.5 (4.5) 5 mm
40 cm circular needle 3.5 mm, 5 (4.5) 5 (5) 4.5 (4.5) 5 mm and 5.5 (5) 5.5 (5.5) 5 (5) 5.5 mm
Round stick 80 cm 3.5 mm, 5 (4.5) 5 (5) 4.5 (4.5) 5 mm and 5.5 (5) 5.5 (5) 5.5 (5.5) 5 (5) 5.5 mm
MEASUREMENTS (women/men)
Sleeves: 46 (47) 48 (49) 50 (51) 52 cm / 51 (52) 53 (54) 55 (56) 57 cm
Waist (both genders): 85 (93) 99 (113) 120 (133) 141 cm
Length of bowl: 40 (41) 42 (43) 44 (45) 46 cm / 45 (46) 47 (48) 49 (50) 51 cm
Click here for size guide
This sweater is knitted by Ingvild Fonn Asmervik.
Tag your Matoaka round coat ecru on social media #Matoakagenser